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A Better Me - Me 2.0




6 Weeks


About the Course

Are you ready to grow into your purpose? To be that 2.0 version of you. It's not a new you, it's an upgraded version of you waiting to come through. In order to reach your potential, you must be intentional about growth. This coaching curriculum will help you understand how personal and professional growth escorts you into your purpose with confidence. This engaging experience will help you develop yourself to become a more effective, fulfilled and intentional about your next level, your upgrade.

You will learn how to build up your sense of purpose and become more successful in every area of your life. Nothing just happens, you were created for a purpose. Let's journey together towards that destiny and engage with one another for greatness and intentional growth.

In addition to the coaching sessions you will receive:

E Resources

Reference Book &

Journal Appreciation Kit

Discount Code for 25% future 2023 events & services

Your Instructor

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